Do you feel frustrated of constantly doing what is expected and not being able to make your own decisions?
I have also felt the same
Make life decisions based on what society approves
Be constantly thriving for more and better, because apparently you are not enough
Prove and demonstrate all my successes and achievements
Get that University degree and masters to show myself smart enough to land a high paying job
Adjust my way of being in order to be accepted and liked by others
Don't show my vulnerability, that would make me weak
Being there for everyone except for myself
But these promises never ever brought me to the fulfillment, success, joy or happiness
What it did bring was a big disconnection with myself, a low self-esteem, a woman covered with doubts and insecurities and most importantly it made me feel lost and empty in life. Not knowing who I am or what I want from life.
I know that many of us struggle with feeling lost, disconnected, inadequate, hopeless, and undeserving.
This leaves us questioning if there is something wrong with us. We begin to live life based on what others expect from us, making us feel even more disconnected from ourselves, lost, unhappy, unfulfilled and in constant self-doubts.
This is how BLOSSOM was created. It is a high performance coaching experience. A transformational journey for women like you who are ready to discover their deepest, raw, authentic selves, embrace who they really are and pursue what they truly want in life with confidence.
It is time to change the narrative you have been telling yourself. It’s time to reframe those limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from experiencing life the way you claim. I am here to walk you through the journey of true self embodiment and empowerment. I am here to help you make the change without losing yourself in the process.
You probably also...
Have always done what others expected and now don't know what your own life purpose or path is
You want to make your own decisions, but you fear making the wrong choice.
Cannot prioritize yourself because you feel responsible of other’s needs and wants
Have a hard time communicating (asking for) what you need, want or desire in fear of judgment and rejection
You feel guilty of placing your boundaries
Being self-demanding makes you blame yourself for anything that goes wrong in any area of your life (work, relationships, health)
You know there is something better and fulfilling, you just don't know how to get there
Feel empty for not knowing what you want in life and not knowing what your own concept of success is
Pause and imagine yourself empowered by your own life decisions. Living your life knowing that you are the only one responsible to bring happiness and joy into your life, knowing that you have full permission to rule your life, deciding all the yes's and the no's, feeling the fears but doing it anyways, confidently expressing yourself the way you need, and not worrying about who will like you or not. You are awake! Living your life in bliss, flowing with the ups and down of life from a place of sacred authenticity. You are moving through life following your own path, your intuition, your mission, your soul.
Hi there, it's Sherina!
On paper, I am a licensed clinical psychologist, ex professional dancer, a certified yoga teacher, coach and mentor. In real life, I am a passionate student of life. It’s been over a decade since I began my own inner journey, in search of answers and meaning. I come from a multicultural background, and grew up with a self-image that made me live a life that others expected from me. I didn’t know this until some years ago, I spent enough time on my own and began to ask myself questions.
The self-awareness, reflections, and healing journey began. I challenged my thoughts, I tracked my behavioral patterns, I asked questions.. All to understand that I was living a life that I did not resonate with. I had been living a life based on the structures society had created, constantly trying to fit in, be perfect, do as expected… and along the way I lost myself.
I had an identity crisis, I had no idea who I was, what I wanted, what I really thought about X Y or Z… I constantly doubted myself, felt very insecure in my relationships and had a hard time making my own decisions. It felt like I was moved by life’s inertia and not by me.
This was a moment in life I felt quite empty and hopeless…if I am not this image anymore… then who am I? It felt like I was reborn.
Fast forwarding my life…today I am able to live a life that is completely ruled by me. I created a business out of my passion and knowledge, that allows me to work and travel from anywhere, support others in their process, and have enough time for myself. All of this wouldn't have been possible if I hadn’t worked on myself.
It took years (and it’s still an ongoing process!) to understand my beliefs, to identify my emotions, learn to experience them and manage them, to understand the pain I experienced as a child, to heal from that past pain, to understand and better the relationship with my parents, and most importantly to see myself with all the worth and value I have.
I know change and transformation exists.
Over the years I have continued expanding my knowledge in the field of psychology, spirituality, movement and ancient wisdom. I use the combination of Cognitive behavior therapy, neuro linguistic programming, the power of shakti (goddesses), mantras, yoga, and movement in my sessions so that you can experience a complete transformation from the inside-out.
It is time for you to prioritize yourself, get to know yourself better and become the protagonist of your story so that you can live a life that is ruled by you.
The Transformation Journey to an authentic life
Self-expression, Embodiment, Energy & Movement
What will you get from Blossom?
Understand your thinking process. Why do you think the way you think?
Identify what beliefs are limiting and learn to reprogram them
Identify, manage and regulate your emotions so you can express yourself better and live according to how you feel
Get clear on what you want so you can place your boundaries
Know what your own values and life perspective is so that you are sure about the decisions you are making
Learn to live life under your own principles and not what others expect from you
Be more present in life, with others and with yourself so you can enjoy and appreciate the small gifts fo life
Build closer and meaningful relationships
Heal from past pain/trauma going from the victim to the hero of your story
Heal and nurture your inner child
Find the gold within your shadow side
Learn to balance the feminine and masculine energies to feel more whole
Become more confident as you learn to accept and love yourself
How will we work together?
Blossom Method
Blossom is a profound journey that helps you navigate in the depths of your soul. Of course, we all want to grow, expand and be enlightened, but, before we rise we must descend. Blossom is a safe container that helps you understand why you think the way you think, how your own beliefs may be limiting you. Blossom also supports you as you investigate your past pain, your childhood traumas, your wounds… so that you can treat yourself with more compassion. You will encounter yourself with your own shadow side, you will discover the most authentic and raw aspects of yourself, so you can finally begin to make your own decisions and create a life that is most aligned with you.
Blossom will provide you the mindset, the tools, and the support for you to know who you are and what you want in life, you will build a healthy and loving relationship with yourself, you will build the confidence to set your boundaries and prioritize yourself, and most importantly know how deserving and worthy you are by being exactly you.
Over the 4 months working through Blossom we will focus on three principle phases
01 / DIG IN
This is the phase where we go deep and dissolve the patterns, the mindset, the behaviors, the concepts you have taken as your truth but aren’t supporting your growth or wellbeing in the present moment. ​
The Pattern - We are going to see your thought and behavioral patterns. How are you responding to day-to-day life?
Mindset - We are going to uncover your beliefs and mindset around your identity and life. Reprogram your belief systems by accessing your subconscious mind. We are going to redefine and reframe your beliefs as you build an understanding relationship with your inner voice.
Emotions - We are then going to access your emotions, as they have a lot of information to share. We are going to identify, manage, regulate and release emotions so you can feel lighter in your body, soul and mind.
In this phase we break through the restrictions, rules, resistance, limitations we’ve been dealing with all these years. We will break free from them to make space for what we do want to cultivate.​
Chakras, Movement & Energetic alignment (blockages) - Our life experiences and beliefs have created blockages in our nervous system. We are going to unlock these blockages and find energetic alignment.
Meeting your Inner child - We will do some regression and go back to your childhood so that we can understand what experiences have impacted you back then and still carry today. As children we learn what we should do and be in order to be accepted, protected, and liked. We will see the protection strategies of your inner child and access the inner most desires, needs, repressed emotions to then allow them to be fully expressed.
Shadow work - There is a part of us that we have rejected. A part of us that we don’t accept, that we don’t like and we have kept into the shadow side of us. As we have a look at your shadow side, we will work on the mother/father wound healing. We will focus on rejections, shame, guilt, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness.
In this phase we are ready to plant and water new seeds. We set new foundations and blossom into the person you are meant to be and not who you should be. You begin to make decisions based on what feels right to you, and live a life based on your values and your principles. ​
Caterpillar: Setting new foundations - Identity, who am I? Self image and concept. Values, Concepts, principles…lifestyle design (vision board)
Pupa: New routines - The caterpillar will break down entirely on a cellular level, and then reorganize itself into a new form. - morning routine, evening routine, trackers, commitment, discipline, challenge (masculine - presence)
Blossom through the Femme - feminine embodiment. Power of receiving, power of rest, power of flow and creativity. Activating intuition.
You can also experience this!
- Bianca
"Blossom to me has been about bettering myself. Not so much about fixing myself but bettering myself."
"I have tried a lot of self-development work, and heard a lot about limiting beliefs but it wasn't until Blossom that I actually did the work with the support and accountability from Sherina."
"I got to know myself on such a deep level and this program has allowed not only to know about the work but really do the inner work"
- Priyanka
“Sherina helped me transform my life when I was in a really dark and low place, very stressed out and kind of almost feeling lost and depressed…Sherina is such a caring and authentic person who helped me see that I have so much potential and so much to give. The way I live my daily life now is so different. The way I see myself and my life today is so much better.”
- Keeya
"I joined Blossom when I was in a transition period in my life. Transitioning in between jobs, apartments, life decisions...and Sherina really helped me find clarity, set clear intentions, follow my intuition..."
"Learning about my feminine cycle and my feminine powers really helped me shift the way I am living my life in a more aligned way."
BONUS - extra gifts when you join the Program!
BONUS #1 Women Menstrual-Cycle Masterclass
Learn about the feminine cycles so you can learn about yourself in a deep, intimate and sacred manner. Learn to connect with your feminine- Your most profound, compassionate, intimate, vulnerable, loving self and allow yourself to be expressed the way you need it.
BONUS #2 Guided Visualizations to deepen the inner journey
Learn and use the power of visualization to discover what is in your subconscious mind, to connect with your inner most desires and needs and to create a reality that feels more authentic and aligned.
BONUS #3 Emotional Release through Movement
Our emotions are felt in our body. Our emotions are energy in motion and when they are not processed, it is stuck energy in our body. Through somatic work, using our voice, our breath and movement we can move the energy. This guide will support you on an emotional and spiritual level as you feel, express, release and renew yourself.
You can also experience this!
BLOSSOM is for you if...
You want to make your own decisions without constantly doubting yourself
You want to place your boundaries without feeling guilty
You want to prioritize yourself and take care of your needs
You want to communicate what you think and feel without the fear or judgement
You want to feel comfortable asking for what you want
You want to find a balance between being self-demanding and knowing when to relax
You want to find what your values and life purpose is
Feel like you are living your life authentically, doing what you need and most desire
Let me ask you for a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breathe in, and visualize how your life would look like if you found the balance between self-demanding and relaxing, how it would look like to say no to the things you do not want to do or don’t resonate with you, and how it would look like to finally make your own decisions and live life with your own principles and perspectives.
How much do you value your growth?
How liberating would it feel if you finally get to know yourself and know what you really want?
How would your life improve if you finally understand your family structures and build a healthier relationship with them?
How would you do things if you recognize and accept yourself for who you are and finally see your worth?
How would your life look like if you heal from past pain to finally be able to live life as a heroine and not a victim?
The time is now :) and if you’re still in doubt, please book a call with me to resolve any questions or doubts you may have!
Money Back guarantee
If after the first session you consider this program is not a right fit for you, I will give your money back.
No questions asked
READ MY STORY5 years ago I would be checking every single of these statements above, and don’t get me wrong, I am still working on some. Behind my permanent smile, there was fear and insecurity. The image I had of myself was low. I believed I was only worth my image, that I’d only be liked and loved if I said yes to everything others expected from me, and that I had nothing valuable to offer. I constantly doubt my moves, I compared myself to others (which made me feel even worse about myself and my abilities), and I basically lived life moved by life’s inertia. No purpose, no vision, no mission, no goal, no clear identity, no healthy relationship with myself. As years went by, I felt a huge disconnection with myself. I always had to double-check things with my sister and friends to make sure I was doing things right, that I said the correct thing, and behaved the way everyone did. I noticed that something inside was off. I learned that if I wanted to be part of society and become someone, I had to play the same game. Please everyone, be extra polite, get good grades, land a nice job, engage in a stable and long-lasting relationship... I learned to be the extrovert, the hustler, the ego-centered woman. I mastered my masculine energy and forgot about my feminine side. This inner home is what helps me stay connected to myself. This inner home is where I find the resources and tools that I need to nourish myself, guide me, and adapt to the external world. This inner home allows me to see myself in a raw and real way. ​ This inner home allows me to have a loving and compassionate relationship with myself, and consequently with others around me. The process is called SELF-LOVE ​ ​ It is about seeing yourself in the rawest and authentic way possible. It is about listening to what your mind, soul, and body need. It is about taking action in a direction that feels right for you. It is about embodying your masculine and feminine energy to find balance. I know this sounds cliché, but my transformational story gave a flip the first time I landed on the healing island of Bali. The first month I spent there all that I have learned about myself, life, and others crushed. What I believed was true was no longer true. What I believed was a reality was no longer the reality. What I believed about myself was no longer the perception. A lot happened that month, and I remember feeling overwhelmed and confused but at the same time, I felt this inner fire telling me that I was on the right path. That a big shift was about to happen. And it did. Since that trip onwards I have been studying the human mind and behavior, ancient wisdom, experiencing different healing journeys (meditations, yoga, plant medicine, sound healing, ecstatic dance, essential oils, astrology, movement, etc), and have been expanding my knowledge in personal growth and wellbeing. ​ It wasn’t until I began to RECOGNIZE my patterns and the way that I have been conditioned that I didn’t ACCEPT my reality. I began to QUESTION my values, my thoughts, my beliefs, my emotions, and even my behaviors. I used cognitive journaling to organize my thoughts and find clarity on what all these concepts meant to me (success, health, money, wellbeing) until I created my own internal home.