Unlock your hidden potential, conquer your shadows, and blossom into the person you are meant to be.
Hi beautiful! I believe you are here for a reason. It is no coincidence!
You may be feeling lost, unworthy, confused about who you are and what you are here for. You may be wondering what your strengths are, what gifts and value you have to offer to the world. You may feel that something is missing in your life currently.
You may be tired of living life through life’s inertia and not something you create.
At a very young age, we have been taught to behave in a certain way, to pursue what society considers successful and right. We have been told by our parents, tutors, and even managers what to say, what to do, and how to be. As we grow up, we lose our child essence, we lose our curiosity, we block our creativity, we forget to play and enjoy. We give up our own needs and desires to play the adult game the world expects.
We are highly influenced by other people’s beliefs, thoughts, actions, values…without even noticing we become one more. We want to belong, we want to survive, we want to avoid pain and experience pleasure. We want to be liked and admired. We want to feel important and of value.
In order to have all of that, we believe in our self-created image and become those identities we have built for ourselves. Over time, you feel that there is something wrong, there is something missing. You feel highly disconnected from yourself, you feel empty, you feel lost.
Does this sound familiar?
Do you feel like you are trying to be someone you are not?
Do you feel like you change your way of being depending on who you are with?
Do you sometimes feel that others don't understand you and know the real you?
Do you feel lost in direction and are unclear about where you are heading?
Do you often fall into the comparison loop? The self-doubts?

For you to create the life that you desire, you must tap into your child, into your soul, into your feminine…. It must be fully embraced and expressed. That is why I designed this program in a way that you can access the deepest parts of you and bring them into the light.
You probably also...
Have difficulties looking at yourself in the mirror
Think less of yourself
Constantly compare yourself to others
Doubt yourself
Hard time being assertive, asking for what you need and want.
Please others to be liked, admired, and belong
Give up your own needs to satisfy those of others
Settled for less than you actually desire
Have engaged in toxic and unhealthy relationships for the sake of not having to be alone
Accept things that are not aligned with your
If you resonate with 3 or more...you are in the right place!

6 weeks women group coaching program
6 x 90 min live group coaching sessions to experience, share, connect, and get coached
12 recorded video lessons
6 workbooks and worksheets
High valued resources
Daily accountability, support, and connection
Membership to a private group & being part of a high energy supportive community
Discover the tools and techniques to re-discover and re-create yourself and learn to activate your inner power through psychology, mindfulness, joy, and flow states.
6 x 90 min live group coaching sessions to experience, share, connect, and get coached
12 recorded video lessons
6 workbooks and worksheets
High valued resources
Daily accountability, support, and connection
Membership to a private group & being part of a high energy supportive community

1 private dive deep session with me (150€)
101 Journaling Prompts for Self-discovery (25€)
21 Mindfulness-Meditation practies (80€)
Mindset Reset Mini-Course (197€)
Learn about yourself, take full responsibility, and re-create yourself so you can blossom into whom you are meant to be and live the life you desire.
LIVE coaching
Weekly LIVE coaching sessions to ask your questions, reflect, share, and connect on a deeper level.
Access to a private group with like-minded women, ready to share, support, and connect with each other. Together we grow!
online training
Get access to 12 video modules PLUS workbooks to dive deep into your transformation. Learn about different concepts, get the mindset, tools and exercises to build your own container.
Hello! I am Sherina Shamdasani
I know how you feel. I have been there a couple of times already.

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and an expert in personal development, positive psychology, and emotional intelligence.
I specialize in helping you build self-awareness so that you can understand and identify your own patterns, and take full responsibility for the life you wish to create for yourself.
I provide you with the knowledge and tools to build confidence and self-esteem, to identify your talents, have better habits and routines, establish a strong mindset... all so you can achieve the goals you have and become the person you wish to become.
I use the combination of cognitive behavior therapy, mindfulness, neuro-linguistic programming to guide and support you.
READ MY STORY5 years ago I would be checking every single of these statements above, and don’t get me wrong, I am still working on some. Behind my permanent smile, there was fear and insecurity. The image I had of myself was low. I believed I was only worth my image, that I’d only be liked and loved if I said yes to everything others expected from me, and that I had nothing valuable to offer. I constantly doubt my moves, I compared myself to others (which made me feel even worse about myself and my abilities), and I basically lived life moved by life’s inertia. No purpose, no vision, no mission, no goal, no clear identity, no healthy relationship with myself. As years went by, I felt a huge disconnection with myself. I always had to double-check things with my sister and friends to make sure I was doing things right, that I said the correct thing, and behaved the way everyone did. I noticed that something inside was off. I learned that if I wanted to be part of society and become someone, I had to play the same game. Please everyone, be extra polite, get good grades, land a nice job, engage in a stable and long-lasting relationship... I learned to be the extrovert, the hustler, the ego-centered woman. I mastered my masculine energy and forgot about my feminine side. This inner home is what helps me stay connected to myself. This inner home is where I find the resources and tools that I need to nourish myself, guide me, and adapt to the external world. This inner home allows me to see myself in a raw and real way. This inner home allows me to have a loving and compassionate relationship with myself, and consequently with others around me. The process is called SELF-LOVE It is about seeing yourself in the rawest and authentic way possible. It is about listening to what your mind, soul, and body need. It is about taking action in a direction that feels right for you. It is about embodying your masculine and feminine energy to find balance. I know this sounds cliché, but my transformational story gave a flip the first time I landed on the healing island of Bali. The first month I spent there all that I have learned about myself, life, and others crushed. What I believed was true was no longer true. What I believed was a reality was no longer the reality. What I believed about myself was no longer the perception. A lot happened that month, and I remember feeling overwhelmed and confused but at the same time, I felt this inner fire telling me that I was on the right path. That a big shift was about to happen. And it did. Since that trip onwards I have been studying the human mind and behavior, ancient wisdom, experiencing different healing journeys (meditations, yoga, plant medicine, sound healing, ecstatic dance, essential oils, astrology, movement, etc), and have been expanding my knowledge in personal growth and wellbeing. It wasn’t until I began to RECOGNIZE my patterns and the way that I have been conditioned that I didn’t ACCEPT my reality. I began to QUESTION my values, my thoughts, my beliefs, my emotions, and even my behaviors. I used cognitive journaling to organize my thoughts and find clarity on what all these concepts meant to me (success, health, money, wellbeing) until I created my own internal home.
READ MY STORY5 years ago I would be checking every single of these statements above, and don’t get me wrong, I am still working on some. Behind my permanent smile, there was fear and insecurity. The image I had of myself was low. I believed I was only worth my image, that I’d only be liked and loved if I said yes to everything others expected from me, and that I had nothing valuable to offer. I constantly doubt my moves, I compared myself to others (which made me feel even worse about myself and my abilities), and I basically lived life moved by life’s inertia. No purpose, no vision, no mission, no goal, no clear identity, no healthy relationship with myself. As years went by, I felt a huge disconnection with myself. I always had to double-check things with my sister and friends to make sure I was doing things right, that I said the correct thing, and behaved the way everyone did. I noticed that something inside was off. I learned that if I wanted to be part of society and become someone, I had to play the same game. Please everyone, be extra polite, get good grades, land a nice job, engage in a stable and long-lasting relationship... I learned to be the extrovert, the hustler, the ego-centered woman. I mastered my masculine energy and forgot about my feminine side. This inner home is what helps me stay connected to myself. This inner home is where I find the resources and tools that I need to nourish myself, guide me, and adapt to the external world. This inner home allows me to see myself in a raw and real way. This inner home allows me to have a loving and compassionate relationship with myself, and consequently with others around me. The process is called SELF-LOVE It is about seeing yourself in the rawest and authentic way possible. It is about listening to what your mind, soul, and body need. It is about taking action in a direction that feels right for you. It is about embodying your masculine and feminine energy to find balance. I know this sounds cliché, but my transformational story gave a flip the first time I landed on the healing island of Bali. The first month I spent there all that I have learned about myself, life, and others crushed. What I believed was true was no longer true. What I believed was a reality was no longer the reality. What I believed about myself was no longer the perception. A lot happened that month, and I remember feeling overwhelmed and confused but at the same time, I felt this inner fire telling me that I was on the right path. That a big shift was about to happen. And it did. Since that trip onwards I have been studying the human mind and behavior, ancient wisdom, experiencing different healing journeys (meditations, yoga, plant medicine, sound healing, ecstatic dance, essential oils, astrology, movement, etc), and have been expanding my knowledge in personal growth and wellbeing. It wasn’t until I began to RECOGNIZE my patterns and the way that I have been conditioned that I didn’t ACCEPT my reality. I began to QUESTION my values, my thoughts, my beliefs, my emotions, and even my behaviors. I used cognitive journaling to organize my thoughts and find clarity on what all these concepts meant to me (success, health, money, wellbeing) until I created my own internal home.
Are tired of living a life that is not aligned to whom they really are
Are ready to look at themselves for who they truly are, recognize themselves, and show up fearlessly
Want to be the leaders, not the followers
Are ready to change their life inside-out
Are done living behind a permanent smile and mask
Want to tap into their divine feminine and spread their light
Are seeking their own validation and love
Have more clarity on goals and life direction
Overcome limiting self-beliefs and blockers
Implement simple yet lasting habits that foster self-confidence and self-love
Discover personal values and how to align life to them
Understand themselves more and gain self-confidence to take action and improve life
Be able to live life confidently, feeling adventurous , inspired and excited
Have more self-trust.
Feel understood and be part of a supportive and loving community of women walking through a similar journey
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change."

By the end of this program, you are going to see yourself like you never have before. You are going to recognize yourself, trust yourself and love yourself so you can manifest what you deserve and desire. A better job, a career change, a soul mate, a different place to live, have stronger and deep connections...
If you cannot love yourself, who will?
If you do not know your worth, who will?
If you do ask for what you need and want, who will?
If you do not speak up for yourself, who will?
If you do not treat yourself with love, who will?
If you do not decide differently to create the lifestyle you wish, who will?
It is your choice to make a shift in your life
How bad do you want it?
To speak up for yourself
To feel proud of yourself
To say YES to challenges and show yourself you can
To be vulnerable and still be strong and courageous
To feel comfortable in your body
To being grateful for yourself and the life you are creating
To set your boundaries and say NO to whatever is a no for you
To change your career
To feel empowered and make decisions on your own
To trust and love yourself
I can secretly hear you say "YES I WANT ALL OF THIS!" - Say yes to YOURSELF & join me and other wonderful women in this journey!

Fill in the form using the button below
I will contact you personally to reserve your spot for the program
Once you're in, you will receive a welcome email with access to the video modules, private group, and link to the live sessions.
On Tuesday July 6th at 7 pm CEST we will begin the program! SO EXCITED!!!
In this program, you are going to
Know your worth
Heal from emotional pain
Create a mindset routine aligned to your goals
Experience a shower of love
Tap into your feminine energy
Set new foundations to create the life you wish for
Let go of what isn’t serving you
Let go of the weight and responsibility you carry that doesn’t belong to you
...& more
Learn about yourself, take full responsibility, and re-create yourself so you can blossom into whom you are meant to be and live the life you desire.
LIVE coaching
Weekly LIVE coaching sessions to ask your questions, reflect, share, and connect on a deeper level.
Access to a private group with like-minded women, ready to share, support, and connect with each other. Together we grow!
online training
Get access to 12 video modules PLUS workbooks to dive deep into your transformation. Learn about different concepts, get the mindset, tools and exercises to build your own container.
6 x 90 min live group coaching sessions to experience, share, connect, and get coached
12 recorded video lessons
6 workbooks and worksheets
High valued resources
Daily accountability, support, and connection
Membership to a private group & being part of a high energy supportive community
1 private dive deep session with me (150€)
101 Journaling Prompts for Self-discovery (25€)
21 Mindfulness-Meditation practies (80€)
Mindset Reset Mini-Course (197€)

Total Value 3500€
Your Investment 550€
READ MY STORY5 years ago I would be checking every single of these statements above, and don’t get me wrong, I am still working on some. Behind my permanent smile, there was fear and insecurity. The image I had of myself was low. I believed I was only worth my image, that I’d only be liked and loved if I said yes to everything others expected from me, and that I had nothing valuable to offer. I constantly doubt my moves, I compared myself to others (which made me feel even worse about myself and my abilities), and I basically lived life moved by life’s inertia. No purpose, no vision, no mission, no goal, no clear identity, no healthy relationship with myself. As years went by, I felt a huge disconnection with myself. I always had to double-check things with my sister and friends to make sure I was doing things right, that I said the correct thing, and behaved the way everyone did. I noticed that something inside was off. I learned that if I wanted to be part of society and become someone, I had to play the same game. Please everyone, be extra polite, get good grades, land a nice job, engage in a stable and long-lasting relationship... I learned to be the extrovert, the hustler, the ego-centered woman. I mastered my masculine energy and forgot about my feminine side. This inner home is what helps me stay connected to myself. This inner home is where I find the resources and tools that I need to nourish myself, guide me, and adapt to the external world. This inner home allows me to see myself in a raw and real way. This inner home allows me to have a loving and compassionate relationship with myself, and consequently with others around me. The process is called SELF-LOVE It is about seeing yourself in the rawest and authentic way possible. It is about listening to what your mind, soul, and body need. It is about taking action in a direction that feels right for you. It is about embodying your masculine and feminine energy to find balance. I know this sounds cliché, but my transformational story gave a flip the first time I landed on the healing island of Bali. The first month I spent there all that I have learned about myself, life, and others crushed. What I believed was true was no longer true. What I believed was a reality was no longer the reality. What I believed about myself was no longer the perception. A lot happened that month, and I remember feeling overwhelmed and confused but at the same time, I felt this inner fire telling me that I was on the right path. That a big shift was about to happen. And it did. Since that trip onwards I have been studying the human mind and behavior, ancient wisdom, experiencing different healing journeys (meditations, yoga, plant medicine, sound healing, ecstatic dance, essential oils, astrology, movement, etc), and have been expanding my knowledge in personal growth and wellbeing. It wasn’t until I began to RECOGNIZE my patterns and the way that I have been conditioned that I didn’t ACCEPT my reality. I began to QUESTION my values, my thoughts, my beliefs, my emotions, and even my behaviors. I used cognitive journaling to organize my thoughts and find clarity on what all these concepts meant to me (success, health, money, wellbeing) until I created my own internal home.